is a forum for communication and documentation about the Peneleh area which holds a lot of history of the civilization of the city of Surabaya starting from the classical (royal), colonial, independence and post-independence eras.
One of the important facts of civilization, which holds the shared history between Indonesia and the Netherlands, is the Peneleh European Tomb.
It is in this place that there is evidence of Surabaya’s civilization as a cosmopolitan city, where people from world nations have lived and resided in Surabaya. The proof is the grave.
The past of the Peneleh European Cemetery, in the increasingly modern development of the city, it turns out that the Peneleh European Cemetery could potentially become the pearl of the city of Surabaya if its existence is utilized properly.
Apart from being useful as an object for improving people’s welfare, the traces of shared history between Surabaya and Europe, especially the Netherlands, will be useful as a means of friendly communication between the two countries: Indonesia and the Netherlands.
The Peneleh Dutch Tomb is also a stepping stone for the development of local culture and wisdom, which is integrated with the semitar environment, which is rich in historical and cultural values.
The concept of an independent Indonesian state was formulated by Indonesia’s founding fathers in the Peneleh area. It was in this area that the movement for national independence cooked the forerunners of Indonesia. There was Haji Oemar Sa’id Tjokroaminoto and there was also Soekarno, who later became the First President of Indonesia. Soekarno was born in the Peneleh area in 1901.
Departing from this background, Surabaya cultural history enthusiasts and activists who are members of the Begandring Soerabaja Association, took the initiative and advocated so that all city and nation stakeholders open their eyes to the important value of Peneleh. A number of activities have been carried out by the Begandring Soerabaja Association, a historical community which continues to strive to promote and explore local potential for national and even international purposes because it holds universal values.
A major activity, which has been carried out by Begandring Soerabaja, is holding the Peneleh Festival (2023) in collaboration with the Surabaya City Government and Bank Indonesia. Next, in interpreting the Peneleh Tomb and the environment, a concept was created to make Peneleh a Living Library.
This Living Library Project is a collaboration between Begandring Soerabaja and TiMe Amsterdam, which is funded by Dutch Culture, the Ministry of Culture, Research and Technology of the Royal Netherlands Government and supported by the Surabaya City Government.
Hopefully this page is useful for everyone, especially heirs, of whom there are still many in the Netherlands.
Nanang Purwono, S. Pd., PG.. Dip ( 0811 357 1967 )
Dr.. Retno Hastijanti,
Yayan Indrayana, ST