Begandring Soerabaia and Time Amsterdam Serve as a Bridge to Link Indonesia and the Netherlands. Surabaya (24/5/24) – The Peneleh Cemetery conservation project, which is under the big theme “Peneleh as a Living Library” is a follow-up effort to the 2023 Peneleh Festival. The 2023 Peneleh Festival was an event to accomodate Peneleh’s potential, which contains historical, cultural, social and culinary potential which is then expected to be in locally based tour packages.

The Peneleh European Cemetery is one of the local potentials, which is rich in values. Apart from historical value, there are cultural, educational, scientific and architectural values. Peneleh European Cemetery is not just a burial ground. But it is a treasure trove of world civilization, which is based in Surabaya.

The Peneleh Cemetery is not only a Dutch graves, but also a European graves. Apart from the Dutch ethnic group, there are also British, French, Germans, Armenians, Jews, Chinese and Japanese. They were residents of Surabaya in the colonial era. Based on past historical facts, at that time Surabaya had become a cosmopolitan city, a city that was home to a diversity of nationalities.

Because of this potential, the idea emerged to make the Peneleh European Cemetery as one of the attractions in Peneleh. Unfortunately the condition of the grave is in a poor state. Many graves were damaged. Even though there are many important figures resting there. Too many to count on just 10 fingers. Even 20 fingers with toes.

To attract public attention both from within the country and especially from abroad, the condition of the cemetery must be better than now so that the public can visit it safely and comfortably. Not only physically, the history of the figures who rest there (Rest in Peace) must be explored and presented through media so that their existence and stories can be spread and known.

According to the Director of TiMe Amsterdam, Max Maijer, a cultural heritage and museum consultant based in the Netherlands, in the Netherlands there are still many heirs of the deceased who rest in the Peneleh European Cemetery. So far, information about the Peneleh Cemetery has likely been cut off because there is no one who can inform it.

Starting from these two facts: a) it holds various values ​​that are a shared history between Indonesia and the Netherlands and b) there are still heirs in the Netherlands, the idea emerged in a joint effort to utilize the Peneleh European Cemetery for the benefit of local residents (Peneleh, Surabaya) and Dutch society.

This joint use can be a means of diplomacy in efforts to reconcile the lingering feelings of guilt and hatred over past events. On the contrary, this can become a bridge of understanding between the two parties to build a future.

This bridge of understanding is being built by the Begandring Soerabaia Community (Indonesia) and TiMe Amsterdam (Netherland) through the “Peneleh as a Living Library” program. This program will run in 2024. At the end of May and early June 2024, TiMe Amsterdam partners (Max Meijer and Petra Timmer) will be in Surabaya to see the progress of the project which must be completed in December 2024. (nng)

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