Surabaya (23/9/24) – The Former Peneleh European Cemetery has been designated as a Cultural Heritage Site based on the Decree of the Mayor of Surabaya Number: dated 10 September 2024 concerning the Designation of former Cultural Heritage Sites Peneleh European Cemetery, which is located on Jalan Makam Peneleh 35A Surabaya as a City Level Cultural Heritage Site.
Supporting Documentation and Criteria
The above determination cannot be separated from the support of complete data in the form of object identity, description, criteria, photos, existing conditions, location, historical description and boundaries of cultural heritage buildings. The completeness of this data has also been included in the attachment to the Decree of the Mayor of Surabaya.
Purpose of the Designation
Determination of Cultural Heritage Site Status is appropriate so that the site and all its contents can be maintained, developed and utilized for educational, scientific, research, cultural, tourism and economic purposes.
International Collaboration for Revitalization
Moreover, the existence of the Peneleh European Cemetery has received attention from the Royal Dutch Government, which takes the form of collaboration between the two institutions Begandring Soerabaia (Surabaya, Indonesia) and TiMe Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) which is supported by Dutch Culture and the Surabaya City Government. Namely in the form of the Peneleh as a Living Library revitalization project.
Community Engagement and Ownership
In this project it is clear that the focus of revitalization is not only focused on the site, but also on how to develop the attitude of the surrounding community towards the tomb. There is a sense of ownership and use of the existence of the Peneleh tomb as an asset for the Surabaya City government.
Obligations of Preservation
Through and with the issuance of the Decree of the Mayor of Surabaya regarding the Cultural Heritage Status of the former Peneleh European Cemetery site, it means that there is an obligation for various parties to maintain, protect, preserve and utilize the existence of the Peneleh European Former Cemetery Cultural Heritage Site.
Strengthening Bilateral Relations
The presence of a partner from the Netherlands (TiMe Amsterdam) as a stimulant and even as a development effort to strengthen cooperative relations between the two countries is additional. What is more important is how the people and government of Surabaya City can view the former Peneleh European Cemetery as a city asset that needs to be developed and utilized for functions as stated in the Cultural Heritage Regional Regulation and the Cultural Heritage Law. Namely the functions of education, science, research, culture, tourism and economics. (nng)